Masto, né Tomas Heuer à Vanves (92) dans une double culture allemande et française, est un autodidacte actif. Armé de sa curiosité naturelle, d’un strabisme divergent et d’une vision monoculaire, il suit un parcours atypique, loin des écoles et de sa famille, et devient photographe à 17 ans.
Il travaille en moyen ou grand format et utilise ses colères, ses passions et sa rigueur technique pour servir des visions simultanément poétiques et réalistes, « amoureuses et utiles ».
En parallèle, il fait de la musique notamment avec ses groupes Lucrate Milk et Bérurier Noir. Il compose – et joue parfois - pour le théâtre et propose des ateliers d'écriture et de composition musicale en milieu carcéral.
Masto est quatre fois papa, Manon, Paola, Alix et Amata, et vit en alternance dans la montagne Corse et à Paris.
Toujours habité par une nécessité interne de beauté et de partage, ce gourmand de lumière et de bière quête la justice, le plaisir, et s'applique à répondre aux offenses du monde. -
Masto - Photographer & musician – Biography www.masto.fr
1960: Tomas Heuer was born in the German and French double culture and as a kid, he received a substantial education in arts. He was born with a monocular vision which predestines himself to photography and with a convergent strabismus which will definitely make him divergent.
His schooling was very agitated and he left home at age 15 to discover photography and music.
1977: Tomas becomes Masto, he squats, he travels, he experiences...
1978: After having taught himself the basics, he bought a 4/5 inch chamber and works for art books and museums in the area of glassware and jewelry. His last book was published in 2013: "Schneider, the children of a work," (Ed. Choses et autres choses).
1979-1984: He accompanies young mentally disabled people on summer vacation.
1980 - 1983: First band "Lucrate Milk", he sings, plays saxo and drums.
1983 - 2005: "Bérurier Noir", where he officiates in the same positions ...
1983-2001: Long and faithful collaboration with the press in particular still life with “Actuel” (1983-1995), “L'événement du Jeudi” (1985-1992) and “Nova Mag” (1995-2001), and occasionally for “Art & Décoration”, “Geo”, “L'oeil”, ...
In these years, he is also the photographer for the group of painters "The brothers Ripoulin", he works in advertising, produces album covers, posters and catalog covers.
1993-1999: Masto spends his winter season in the mountains and especially the Corsican mountains to photograph trees at night. These photographic night tribulations are published in 2001 "Racines Célestes", Ed. Alain Piazzola and they were exposed several times.
1996: Masto keeps his studio in Paris but he moves to Corsica, where he works on an inventory of the religious heritage of the region on a medium format film and on a seven-year long campaign for the Museum of Corsica about brownfields which will result in several exhibitions and publications: "Corse industrielle 1830 - 1960" published in 2005.
Masto has also been a firefighter for a few years. He has given workshops in Plastic Art in primary classes located in small mountain villages and he has also taught at the teacher training institute in Bastia. A traveling photo exhibition "Quand les anges s'amusent..." will witness on some of these practices.
2002-2011: He becomes an actor and songwriter for several stage directors, especially in 2007 "Elisavieta Bam" of Daniil Kharms with the company "Les Endimanchés" and "Jean La Chance" in 2009 with the company "Neneka ".
2007 to the present : Masto is regularly invited to orchestrate writing and musical composition in prison.
In parallel to these activities, Masto is pursuing personal photographic work since the age of 17. Wether these project were done for fun or out of necessity.